
Table of Contents

1 Overview

Aspell-gcide is a filter module for spell-checking dictionary files of the GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English using GNU Aspell.

Aspell-gcide is available for download from

or can be cloned from its repository by

git clone

2 Installation

You will need the following prerequisites:

  1. Aspell must be installed on your system.
  2. Aspell source files must be avilable on the file system and configured.

To install aspell-gcide follow these steps:

  • Configure the pachage
    ./configure 'CPPFLAGS=-Iaspell/common -Iaspell/gen'

    Replace aspell with the actual pathname to the directory where aspell sources are unpacked.

  • Build the package:
  • Install the package
    make install

To check that the module is installed successfully, run

aspell filters

Its output should contain the following line:

gcide          filter for checking GCIDE corpus files

3 Installing from the repository

To install from the sources obtained from the git repository, you will additionally need the following packages:

First, run

autoreconf -f -i -s

Then, proceed as described in previous section.

4 Usage

To spell-check the GCIDE corpus files, use the following syntax:

aspell -c --add-filter gcide CIDE.A

The module will check the entire file content. To limit spell-checking to definitions only, use the --add-gcide-include-tags=def option, e.g.:

aspell -c --add-filter gcide --add-gcide-include-tags=def CIDE.A

You can also use these options from your .aspell.conf file:

add-filter gcide
add-f-gcide-include-tags def

5 Configuration

The filter provides three configuration options:

gcide-include-tags (list)
List of markup tags whose content is subject to spell-checking.
gcide-exclude-tags (list)
List of markup tags whose content will be excluded from spell-checking.
gcide-skip-headwords bool
Exclude ent and hw tags. This is equivalent to --add-gcide-exclude-tags ent --add-gcide-exclude-tags hw.

The options can be set both from command line or from aspell configuration file. To set the skip-headwords option from command line, use:


To set it from your configuration file, add the following line:

f-skip-headwords true

To set list options from the command line, prefix them with --add-, like this:

--add-gcide-exclude-tags ent

To set them from the configuration file, prefix them with add-f-, e.g.

add-f-gcide-exclude-tags ent

By default, entire file will be checked. If the gcide-include-tags list is set, then only the tags from that list will be checked. If gcide-exclude-tags list is set, tags from this list will be excluded from checking.

6 An example aspell.conf file

use-other-dicts true
add-filter gcide
add-f-gcide-include-tags def
add-f-gcide-exclude-tags spn
add-f-gcide-exclude-tags kingdom
add-f-gcide-exclude-tags phylum
add-f-gcide-exclude-tags subphylum
add-f-gcide-exclude-tags class
add-f-gcide-exclude-tags subclass
add-f-gcide-exclude-tags ord
add-f-gcide-exclude-tags subord
add-f-gcide-exclude-tags suborder
add-f-gcide-exclude-tags fam
add-f-gcide-exclude-tags subfam
add-f-gcide-exclude-tags gen
add-f-gcide-exclude-tags var

Created: 2024-06-30 Sun 21:35

Emacs 25.3.1 (Org mode 8.2.10)
