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This Manual in Other Formats

html_chapterHTML, with one web page per chapter
html_chapter.tar.gzHTML, with one web page per chapter, 349K characters gzipped tar file
html_sectionHTML, with one web page per section
html_section.tar.gzHTML, with one web page per section, 373K characters gzipped tar file
html_nodeHTML, with one web page per node
html_node.tar.gzHTML, with one web page per node. 378K characters gzipped tar file document compressed (6K characters gzipped tar file)
mailfromd.txtASCII text (815K characters)
mailfromd.txt.gzASCII text, compressed (218K characters)
mailfromd.dvi.gzTeX dvi file (375K characters gzipped)
mailfromd.pdfPDF file (1M characters gzipped)
mailfromd.tar.gzTexinfo source (217K characters gzipped tar file)